Most Outstanding Claims for FICA Tax Refunds Will Be Denied, IRS Announces | Lauzen Accounting

Most Outstanding Claims for FICA Tax Refunds Will Be Denied, IRS Announces

Final Rules Govern Foreign Tax Credit Splitter Arrangements
February 10, 2015
Tangible Property (Repair Regs) Webcast Archives
February 12, 2015
Final Rules Govern Foreign Tax Credit Splitter Arrangements
February 10, 2015
Tangible Property (Repair Regs) Webcast Archives
February 12, 2015

The IRS announced that it will disallow all refund claims filed while resolution of the issue of whether severance payments to employees are subject to FICA tax was pending, as well as the appeals filed in response to the denial of refund claims.

Source:: AICPA – Tax

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