Letter from the AICPA Tax Executive Committee Chair: Embracing Uncertainties - The Reality (and Excitement) of Tax Work | Lauzen Accounting

Letter from the AICPA Tax Executive Committee Chair: Embracing Uncertainties – The Reality (and Excitement) of Tax Work

Update on Sec. 7345 Passport Legislation
July 28, 2017
June 2017 Tax Section News
July 28, 2017
Update on Sec. 7345 Passport Legislation
July 28, 2017
June 2017 Tax Section News
July 28, 2017

The tax world is constantly plagued with uncertainties. Temporary rules are a standard feature of federal and state tax systems, and create uncertainty as to their extension or eventual passage into permanence. Because of laws that are often vague or incomplete, we cannot always answer client

For more information visit: AICPA – Tax

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