Was 2016 a Good Year for Tax and Tax Practitioners? | Lauzen Accounting

Was 2016 a Good Year for Tax and Tax Practitioners?

Breaking ACA News That Will Impact Upcoming Filing Requirements
December 15, 2016
New Tax Return Due Dates Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
December 16, 2016
Breaking ACA News That Will Impact Upcoming Filing Requirements
December 15, 2016
New Tax Return Due Dates Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
December 16, 2016

CPAs can again look forward to a punctual beginning for tax season with a reasonable amount of certainty about tax laws affecting returns and, perhaps, improved IRS service. Practitioners started 2016 with the knowledge that expiring provisions were alive, as they had been signed in December,

For more information visit: AICPA – Tax

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