10 Pre-Tax Season Tips NOT on Your List | Lauzen Accounting

10 Pre-Tax Season Tips NOT on Your List

2016 Tax Law Changes
New 2016 Tax Code Changes that Small Business Owners Should be Aware of
December 17, 2015
Practice Management Feature: Engagement Letters
December 18, 2015
2016 Tax Law Changes
New 2016 Tax Code Changes that Small Business Owners Should be Aware of
December 17, 2015
Practice Management Feature: Engagement Letters
December 18, 2015

December can be a busy time of year for a tax accountant. It brings with it holiday parties, year-end planning, bonuses, and time spent with family. Early January is also the perfect time to plan for tax season. The following ten ideas are aimed to help prepare you for tax season and hopefully

Source:: AICPA – Tax

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